Wednesday, June 17, 2009

We're So Starving

Weight Watchers - up and down. I feel like I'm losing some and gaining some. There's now real way for me to tell. This is a bit of digression, but its my blog and I'll babble if I want to. Last year, while I was dabbling in my second encounter with ana, I had a wonderful scale that measure to the tenth of pound. I purchased it when I first began flirting with her during my freshman year, but alas it was left behind during this year's christmass break and an inferior replacement was purchased.

And thus, I don't know where I stand. I feel as though I have lost some wieght, but I don't at the same time. It's actually quite nerve racking. These feelings have only been reinforced by my own mother and her constant need to let me know how fat I am. (I don't think she relizes that despite the fact that she lost weight - she still looks fat. If you're my height 130 looks fat, and she's shorter with the same body you draw that picture for yourself.)

I'm only really going to the meetings for her though. I've gotten to the point were I don't really care about anything anymore. My life isn't for me anyway, so why worry about it.
Side note - jobless; this economy....well you know already.....

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