Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Why are you so paranoid?

In 15 days I'll be back in my college town. I have weeks of meetings, interviews, training, and work followed by the official start of the semester. I have a new found sense of hope and belief this summer, which is part of the reason behind my nonexistent posting over the summer. I am full of energy and life, but that is just as it was last year. That's were the fear and the edge of trepidation comes from.

My hope and faith however has allowed me to see that there is a difference, all be it small. That past hope, those dreams of better days were tinged with a sorrow and hopelessness that at the time I had pushed to the side. I believed that last year was the height of ideal and the pinnacle of my struggle against my bursting waistline.

So far I'm down almost 15, yes one - five, pounds and will continue to go that way until I reach my goal. Twelve more!

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